How are subscriptions managed?

Unless it's a one-time purchase, each product is its own subscription that can be managed separately, with separate ship dates. For example, in the image below the ship date for tampons is January 23, while the ship date for liners is January 30. 




Here are the actions that you can take on a single subscription:

  • Move your next charge date - your order will ship the day after your new charge date. This will shift the date of your subscription schedule going forward (every 3 months from the new charge date).
  • Order now - you will be charged immediately and we will put an order in the mail ASAP. This will shift the date of your subscription schedule going forward (3 months from now).
  • Skip shipment - you will skip your upcoming scheduled order and will receive your order on your next scheduled charge date. This is a good option if you find yourself with too much product.
  • Cancel subscription - cancels your subscription immediately. If you have more than one subscription, you will have to click in to each to cancel each one


It's important to note free shipping is based on the shipment value. If you have multiple subscriptions, the easiest way to qualify for free shipping it's to make sure that all your subscriptions have the same charge date, that way your products will be grouped in one shipment.

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